We Are Infinite.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

I am young, I am old
I am ugly, I am beautiful
I am bold, I am shy
I am sad, I am happy
I am weird, I am normal
I have been bought, I have been sold
I am hard-faced, I am gone
I am hate, I am love
I am nightmare, I am dream
I am like you, I am like me
Sometimes it's normal to be vulnerable
Sometimes it's normal to be insecure
Be yourself, Be truthful
Just say what's in your mind.

Friday, December 25, 2020

A billion lights, twinkling among themselves.
Centuries wait, drowning themselves into a flash of bright light.
Is this the day one of them will embark on an adventure?
A journey made by their fathers and forefathers before.
A journey to the distant blue dot.
Look a shooting star, she pointed it out.
I stare at it thinking for hours;
With my head pressed hard to the earth.
The sky is so tragically beautiful;
A graveyard of stars.

Sunday, August 16, 2020


A constant companion
A friend I befriended from my childhood
Through thick and thin of time
No matter where I go
Who I am with
Like a shadow, it follows me everywhere.

A core memory
I’ve relived a countless times
No matter how many tears I've shed
No matter how many visits to the castle in the air
Countless hours of therapy
It still hurts.

An inevitable emotion
I kept running away throughout my life
Fatigued,it's time to put a fullstop
And instead embrace the feelings
Because no matter how painfully it hurts
I always find myself in the end.