We Are Infinite.

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Room No.:21
Electronics and Telecom Engg. (5th Sem)
Rajendra Prasad College of Engineering

Aarav: Hey Sumit, What are you up to? something worth sharing?
Sumit(scrolling his Phone): No man..nothing as such just changing my facebook DP.
Aarav: Van Persie, Di Caprio, so what’s next? Why don’t you put up a DP of yourself?
Sumit: Please Aarav, We are not going over it again. By the way, isn’t this Control Systems Class where the heck is Professor Sharma?
Mrinal:  Hey Guys...Professor Sharma is out today, so is Professor Pathak, there will be no Digital processing too.
Aarav: Yayyy!!! I will go back to the hostel and take a power nap. Anyways where are the other guys, how come they knew it beforehand?
Mrinal: Everyone was here until now when Informed them.
Sumit: So All back to the hostel?
Mrinal: No man The First year are in, so all of them have flocked down to Room No. 09. Even I am going there, You guys joining?
Aarav: Yes we are, C’mon Sumit lets Roast some Chickens.
Sumit: You guys carry on, I need to go to the library, moreover I don’t have any interest in all this stuff anymore.
Aarav: Are you again high on that Robin Sharma stuff?
Sumit: No man, I need to reissue a book or the Hitler Librarian will start up with his gyaan.
Mrinal: C’mon Sumit won't take long and you can go to the library after that.
Sumit: Ok ok… Chalo
Aarav: That’s my bouy!!! It's Roast Time…

Room No.: 09
Electronics and Telecom Engg. (1st Sem)
Rajendra Prasad College of Engineering

Aarav: Hey Ravi, How’s the roast going on?
Ravi: Dumb as Fuck, the guy you see in the corner, he cried with the highest flow of water. Rohan just asked him whether he had a Girlfriend or not.
Aarav: Kids these guys, I wonder what he would have done if he underwent what we had too. You must know it better right Sumit? Sumit? Are you listening to me?
Sumit: Yes I am, By the way, what’s up with the guy at the corner?
Aarav: Are you serious? Ravi told about it just now. Are you Day Dreaming or something? Wait I think I do know what are up to here...
Sumit: Oh!!! You definitely do Mr.Sherlock.
Aarav: Definitely Yes, Mrs Hudson.
Sumit: Shut up! I am leaving for the library.
Aarav: Hold on a second Mr Romeo don’t you want to know her name. Hey Rishi come over here (Aarav calling out to a junior)
Rishi: Yes, Bhaiya
Aarav: Who's that girl? Sumit Bhaiya ka Dil aah gaya hain uspe…
Sumit: What the fuck are you doing you moron? I´m out of it…
Rishi: Her name is Sayantani Ghosh.
Aarav: And?
Rishi: That’s all I know.
Aarav: What a useless shit. I want you to get all the details about her and puke it out to me in the hostel.
Rishi(scarily): Yes Bhaiya.

Meanwhile, Sumit(standing still, gazing the girl standing far right with a corner of his eyes) Sayantani seems to be the most beautiful name one can come up with for the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.

P.S.: If you have made it till here you are either my best friend or skipped everything on top and landed directly here or less likely you are at gun point made to read it. 
This is the 1st in the Series that I would be writing over coming days. Please drop by next week to read the 2nd part in the series.


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Phone Beeps…
Akash reaches out for his phone and it was a text from Bhoomi
The Text message reads “ I Miss You!!!”
Phone Beeps Again…
It was another text from Bhoomi
The Text message reads “ Sorry, it was not meant for you, went by mistake.Ignore it."

One week back...

Bhoomi: Will you stop doing this anymore? Things have changed
 Akash: Doing what?
Bhoomi: Don't pretend, you know what I am talking about.
Akash: I am trying, It's not easy for me.
Bhoomi: Not easy for you? Like we did have something very special.
Akash: It may not be for you but for me its a big deal.
Bhoomi: Oh please, I just had a crush on you and like any straight forward person I expressed myself.
Akash: So Selfish of you, so my feelings were never in concern of you, it was only You never us from the start.
Bhoomi: How dare you say that? Whatever we had, the thing, It's over.
Akash: You don't get to decide everything Ms. Bhoomi Sachdev, at least for God sake have some respect for my feelings, I really loved you and will always do.

Two months back…

Akash: Why are you ignoring me? I am not getting it?
Bhoomi: No, I am not, I don’t know what made you say that.
Akash: Oh C’mon, I am not that stupid, it's totally in front of my eyes.
Bhoomi: Cut the crap, I don’t want to talk about it.
Akash: All of a sudden you stopped talking over the phone and now you don’t want to talk about it anymore.
Bhoomi: Don’t makeup things of your own and If you think I am ignoring you, let it be that way then.
Akash: Fine then, do whatever you want. 

5 months back…

Bhoomi: I think we should stop talking over the phone this much anyways we see each other in the office every day.
Akash: That’s not enough for me, I can look at you 24*7. BTW why this all of sudden?
Bhoomi: Nothing in particular just saying.
Akash: okay
Bhoomi: What if I stop talking to you?
Akash: Why would you do that? You are making me shit my pants now :P
Bhoomi: Akash, Please, can you be serious for some time.
Akash: I am all yours Ma’am say
Bhoomi: What say? It's all clear even you know what’s coming. It's impossible for us to be together, the future clearly doesn't hold us.
Akash: Future? We are Happy in the present and let it be, why to complicate things.
Bhoomi(hanging up the call): You can but I can't.

Present day…

Akash(replying to Bhoomi’s text):  No problem, I can understand, it was never me.
Message sent…

Phone Beeps again….

One Text message from Bhoomi…

Note: This is second in the series, Please do read about Akash and Bhoomi and how does this all start
Aur Ek Din....

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Ever since I read about this place called Hampi in my school history books it was an instant entrant in my must visit places. Being a big history buff Hampi got me excited each and every time I read something new about its lustrous historical background. So after two and a half years and with multiple failed attempt to plan a trip to Hampi, I along with my partner in crimes Akash and Sourav finally made a trip out to Hampi in the last week of week of January’17. Call it a curious case of my procrastinating mind I am yet to write about any of my past travelling experience be it the Ooty trip or a trek to Kumar Pravata but with this out I hope to come out with the rest soon.

Hampi is located on the banks over Tungabhadra around 385 km from Bangalore towards north of Karnataka. It was the capital to the glorious Vijaynagara Empire and was accounted as one of the richest city in the world at its peak. Now gone are the Empires and the riches and all that remains are the acres and acres of ruin singing an ode to the beautiful time it had.