We Are Infinite.

Monday, November 30, 2015


          His heart, an extensive moorland,

          Low growing pines but abundant of hedgehog.

          When he detaches me from him;

          My solicitousness gets into wilderness.

           I see my wrinkles propagating,

           Outcome- a colossal river of poison and maliciousness.

           My soul fully drowned and drenched

           Effort to conquer those moss grown rock, goes futile

           Now to save my troubled, hungry and tired soul;

           I decide to abandon him.

           And strive for a cosmic playground…

           Excluding his shadow and soul.


Saturday, October 24, 2015

I am back again with a compilation of top videos that went viral this week along with the trends of Social Media.Here it goes....

1.Nawab of Najafgarh:After threatening every bowler and entertaining every cricket fan over a career that span for around 15 years,Virender Sehwag hang up his boot this week.What followed next was tributes for the Indian Batsman and here's one of them.

2.Adele:From rolling in the deep to making Skyfall,Adele is back again after 3 years with "Hello". Check it out here       

3.DDLJ:Its been 20 years since the movie was released and the lead pair of SRK-Kajol  are back again to win over our heart like they did 20 years back.
Check it out DDLJ:A Tribute
4.SRK @ Edinburg:One hardly can keep this guy out of news.Here he is presenting a inspirational talk at the University of Edinburg after his honorary Doctorate from the University.
5.Incredible India???: "Athiti Devo Bhava":Tourists are God but this shameful incident in Bangalore this week will provide you with of how we are actually treating our Athitis.


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The world is moving really fast and in order to keep up in pace with it we have to move along with it.By doing so we get into a digital world created by burning our eyes over mobile phones or laptop screen and thus tending to lose contact with the real world around us.Like Thousands of family that are getting caught in this cobweb,our family is no exception.With every passing day getting hectic for everyone,anyone hardly had any time for some other or frankly speaking no time for oneself. Even on weekends which were earlier spent playing games like UNO,Ludo Antakshri to mention a few or watching a movie with the family are replaced by spending ample of time playing video games or watching a movie or a series over laptop.
It was one afternoon over the weekend when everyone where busy in their work silently,my Father spoke to broke the silence.He informed us that on the upcoming weekend we are going for a family picnic and he has invited our uncle and some of his friend families who are close to our family to join us.After hearing out the plan all of us got excited as everyone needed a break out of the daily remote life they were leading.Slowly as the week was passing by,the build up for the picnic was getting stronger with each day.Everyone in the house were planning something or other from bat,ball to football,badminton racquet's everything was finding its way.
Finally the day arrived and on an bright Saturday morning we left for a resort located around 200km from our place,all other people were supposed to reach the destination by themselves.We all meet near the gates of the resort and to my amazement everyone who was on the list showed up and we were a healthy group of 40 odd people.Located in the Midst of hills,the view from the resort left everyone of us awestruck and the itself was very big to explore with a big lake and few grounds to play.After checking in,while the elders went on to take a stroll around the resort,we made our away to play grounds.After trying our hands at every sports available for couple of hours,we all were very exhausted and hungry.When we reached the place where everyone was put up,we found that the preparation for the lunch was on and we forgetting all our tiredness enjoyed the cooking party.
After having stomach full of food cooked by ourself,we all sat down on the grass under shades.While some were busy discussing good old times,rest of us were busy playing games like Antakshri later to be joined by all.
Soon it was that time of the day that nobody wanted,it was time for pack-up.But before everyone left for their home,we all made a decision unanimously that we should plan such outing on more frequently as it was good way for everyone to escape from the world they are tired chasing.

For us Nature severed us as our escape and like itself who put together every element around,it helped us by bringing everyone of us together under her.

Like us who finally broke the shackles of digital world and enjoyed the real feeling of togetherness.Kissanpur calls all the people who are missing out on it to come and discover the joy of Real Togetherness.
Meet the joyous people of Kissanpur here

To know more about kissanpur and its people please visit http://www.kissanpur.com/.