We Are Infinite.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

On this Mother’s Day ,let me start with a token of gratitude to all the mothers in the world, that’s the least one can do. For me everyday is a Mother’s day because my very existence is because of her.

Last time Indiblogger planned something it was one hell of an event and this time too they didn’t dissapoint either (do they ever ??? :D).More can be read about my last Indi Event experience here IndiBloggerFlipkartOuting and for today's event you are on the right track,keep on scrolling down mate........

It was only last week when I got a mail from the IndiBlogger team notifying about the upcoming Indiblogger event that was going to happen  today i.e. 8th May 2016.With the memories of the last outing with the Indi team still fresh on  my mind there was no question  of not registering for the event this time too.As the day for the event was closing in  the excitement was growing stronger and stronger and on thrusday i.e. 5th may 2016 I got the pass for the event  via mail.

The  event was schedule at Taj Vivanta,MG road which was  around 20 mins drive from my place from 4pm onwards.I reached the place at exact 4 pm to find some familiar faces waving around,the last event really gave me some good friends :).The event started at 4.30pm(we all know IST stands for Indian stretchable time :P).The host for the day (I woud rather say the host of all the indi events in bangalore) Anoop started the proceedings and with no time wastage he introduced us to the speaker of the day Jill Castle,with a experience of over 25 years in the field of pediatric nutrition,Jill provided us with an in depth details about the impotance of good diet,micro nutrients,lagerly its impact on the health of children and how one needs to be Strong Inside to Grow Outside.
Jill Castle Talk
A fruitful and informative talk by Jill was followed with another great talk by Amaan khan, the marketing head of GSK,the parent company of Horlicks which werealso the sponsor of the event .Amaan provided us both with some facts and stats on how malnutritionised the children in India were.He talked about how Horlicks is approaching towards the minimising the problem of Malnutrition among children from their side. He also informed about the #HorlicksNutriMeter tool that discover the hidden gaps in children's dietary and can be easily downloaded by giving a miss call to @8000980009 and how it can help parents in deciding appropiate diet for their child.
Amaan Khan Talk
After the talk we had a good Q & A session with few well-renowned doctors who were also present at the event  and were more than happy to discuss and answer all our concerns.After the intercation there was a small fun activity i.e a short quiz based out the event. I was in team 6 with Rekha,Rajiv da,Madhu Ba,Rekha,Bhawna.Sidhar and Rayyan and all thanks to Rekha and Bhawna we ended up being the runner up.
Panel Discussion
It was time for the food and  on no second thought,the food was delicious.After licking the last bite of the dessert from the plate it was time to collect our Horlicks goodies and had back home.

( The Group - Madhu ba)

Till next time..Thank you #keep Blogging #keep Reading  #keep Sharing

P.s.: Rekha Mishra meine kisi ko nahi bataya ki tune mazze leke machli khayi :D

Sunday, May 1, 2016

I don’t  remember when was the last time I blogged , wait I do it was back in 1st week on March 2016 :P. Its not that I didn’t came across anything that really interested me  rather I would say there was number of times  I came across such and wanted to pen them down.Yes I had  very hectic weeks in the last couple of months and so,I burned my ass for 13-14 hrs a a day even on weekends  but taking it as a excuse for something you always wanted to do is purely lame. I see people(Nope, I am not  Cole Sear) who after  a hard,hectic day still manages to do things that they like.I really do take inspiration from them but  just like the morning mist that fades away  when the sun comes up,I had a similar kind off story.
Bohut hogayi  Dukh bhari Dastaan(Enough of my melodrama,Yes I need to translate it as Google says most of my readers are from US :D) .Now on a serious note the following blog post was planned for Earth Day but was not able to post it on time but better  late than never.The start it off here’s s a transcript of the speech  Leonardo DiCaprio  gave while accepting the Acamedy Award for Best Actor 2016,to quote him:
” Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating. Let us not take this planet for granted.”
An active environmentalist and UN messenger of peace,over the two years  Dicaprio made an exceptional journey all round the world studying the nature of Global warming.Though unlike Dicaprio people like us who are limted to only our  own small world  are unware of the impact Global warming is having on our life.Who cares whether the Glaciers of Artic are dissappering  way more before the prediction or the Farmers of India are commiting suicide due to drought,unless and until its someone or something very related or dear to us,who cares?.But the day seems no far when the entire human race will come to know what they are up against.

An article on New York Times says 2015 was the hottest year on earth so far. Just as 2015 made way for 2016, we have another article from Washington Post that says February 2016 was the hottest month for entire Earth! If this can’t make anyone belive the Global Warning is for real ask me aor any other fellow banaglorean about it.On 24th April,2016, the Karnataka capital - renowned for its ability to keep cool (dubbed as India’s 365 days Hill Station)  touched 39.2 degrees. That made it the hottest day ever for the city since records began to be kept in 1867.That’s not all my friend and this sudden rise in the tempearture is not just something,its was always on the card with a lot more to come. A tool compiled by New York Times shows that temperature in Bengaluru this year was 0.9 degree C warmer than the average normal. Average for Bengaluru is 24.7 degrees, while the tool shows an average of 25.6 degree Celsius. If it is the case for every year from now onwards only one can imagine what will be bangalore in the next 10 years and so.
Adressing the problem of Global Warming learders from around 195 countries came together in Paris and  on 22nd April 2016(Earth Day) the Historic Paris Agreement was signed. The head of the meet which was caleed as  Paris Conference, France's foreign minister Laurent Fabius, said this "ambitious and balanced" plan is a "historic turning point" in the goal of reducing global warming. For those who are not aware of the pact we can read about it her Paris Agreement.

The temperature rise in Banglaore is one of the many problems the earth is facing reagarding Global warning but we are not concern with all of them because we are not affected with them.We must all unite togrether in the fight againts Global warning and play a part no matter how insignifacant it may sound to us but on a large every small steps matters.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

To start off I would like to mention that I was tagged by the lovely lady Maggie to write this post(which rarely happens though) and be it by her order :D "LET IT RIP."


Q: Why do you blog?

A: Partly to make Butterflies and Wheels more frequently updated and more interactive (as well as that bit more interesting, I hope), but also because I think the world desperately needs to hear my opinions, and I like to oblige.” 

Blogging and me goes long way back, it took off when I was in middle school and was slowly getting exposed to the blogging culture. Firstly, I wanna really make it clear that time I had no interested in writing or anything else that I can blog about but the very idea of  having a blog thrived me from very long. Back then the only known blogging platform(or at least to me ) was Blogger and with great enthusiasm I started my own blog. The time when it was hard to go with a particular email-id maintaining a blog was a big deal and there was my blog somewhere down begging me to update it regularly. The relationship between me and my blog (rather say blogs :D) was ON-OFF for several years and it was only in my second year of Engineering that it was completely into me. There is a mockery that In India you come an engineer first and then figure what to do with your life, it was no different for me (but I was not an Engineer fully) as I discovered my inclination towards writing. I rejuvenated my interest in blog again and started with Blog.com(which I guess no longer exist) at first It look good and I published couple of article at first. After some more blog post I felt that I was missing on something and then decided to migrate to Blogger again :P. I started with RANDOM VARIABLE: To Infinity and Beyond(not copied from Buzz Lightyear though) and ever since it has been a pleasant journey with some up and down.

Over the years I had the opportunity to read different blogs and meet some great bloggers from all around India. Meeting them has been a pleasant learning experience, as everyone had something more and less to offer. Now since I have been blogging for some time I think its time to take the blog to some other level. In doing so I have chalked out some points that I need to work on and couple of them are listed below:
1.I have been lethargic for most of the time and as result something the blog goes not being updated for over a month and so.Its time to update the blog more frequently, say 4-5 post a month.
2.I had been writing some post but they had been not that up to the mark as they had been way off-topic and less appealing to the masses. So its time to post some more trending and quality stuff along with the usual stuff.
3.Recently I had been getting some reads and comments over my posts and its time to be more interactive with the readers be it with post or by following them with their comments.

I know there are far more accomplished blogger and for some taking their blog to the next level would be spreading their wings across internationally. For me its now single step at a time and my priorities are the one mentioned above and accomplishing them in a 6 month time will be like one level up.

Lastly for I would urge everyone to try out blogging at least once as it not only confined to writing and a lot can be done with it,
                             "With a story to tell, everyone is a Storyteller"

Keeping up with the trend, I now tag Srijal to write his take on the topic.

I want to take my blog to the next level with Blogchatter.