We Are Infinite.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

                                                      “ Health is Wealth”
This one line proverb summarizes everything.Heath is the ultimate wealth one can have,as material wealth is temporary it is only our good health which stay with us in any bad or good circumstances.Our body is very important to us and we should take proper care of it and should feed with balanced diet.By balanced diet it means getting the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to supply nutrition and energy for maintaining body cells, tissues, and organs, and for supporting normal growth and development. Much emphasize lays on the word “balanced” the term simply means that a diet should meet your nutritional needs while not providing too much of any nutrients.We usually in order to get a good health over consumes stuff and thus finally ends up being the victim of obesity or pressure.

The world is moving very fast and in order to keep up with it we tend to move along with it.But by doing so we tends to give up of many things and our health being the very first on the list.To follow up with the pack schedule one generally skips regular meal and compromises with the junk food on the go.Be it having ice creams and smoothies on the name of summer or having deep fried pakkoda on a rainy day,we never tends to miss out on anything the not that good for us. Crash diet is another trend which is increasing on a alarming rate and is a matter of deep concern.For those who are unaware of Crash diet,its a weight-loss diet undertaken on an urgent, short-term basis with the aim of achieving very rapid results. Crash diets carry both long and short term health risks. The most common short term risk is nutritional deficiency.When body go on a very low calorie crash diet, our vital organs can't get the energy they need to function, and the body begins to burn the tissues of heart, liver, kidneys, brain and other organs. In the long term, this can lead to heart attack also.

 The most important step to eating a balanced diet is to educate yourself about what your body needs, and to read the nutrition label and ingredients of all the food you eat.Although there are many campaigns to encourage the public to consume more fruits and vegetables and go for a simple and a heathy diet but most goes unnoticed.But now our very Dabur a trusted brand from decades, which has always betted for a heathier and fitter India has come with a unique concept/idea of HoneyDiet. Honeydiet provides a complete solution for a heathy diet ranging from health tips to heathy recipes,from consulting a dietitian to diet planner all under same roof and with easy to access with just few clicks.

A more can be learned about Dabur and its honey diet initiative at http://www.daburhoney.com/.

Till then

                                                 #Stay Fit Feel Young.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

To start with the words of Great George Bernard Shaw as quoted ‘Cricket is game played by 11 fools and watched by 11000 fools’ .Though I would like to remove the fool tag from the quote it certainly comes true in the Indian subcontinent,where even a low profile match-up can bring life to a standstill for hours, depending on the format played.

Cricket in India has become a religion and all the players associated with it has gain a status which is nothing less than of a GOD.It would be no wrong if I would say here in India people are so passionate about cricket that hey eat cricket,drink cricket,talk cricket & sleep cricket.Edmund Blunden quoted “Cricket to us was more than play,It was a worship in the summer sun”.It brings us to a conclusion that Cricket in India runs in the blood of every Indian and we all follow it passionately like no other does.

Cricket is a force like no other in our country. It tempts us to skip work, postpone family get-togethers, bunk tuition, and sometimes even cancel a date. But sometimes this passion of ours for the game tends to miss us out on such thing that are equally or rather more important to us in life.Everyone wants to catch up with every bowl bowled,every run scored and there are many instances where a game of cricket has acted as a spoiler to many plans.Stopping by a local TV shop when out to get glimpses of the match or calling up a friend while to catch with the score while travelling.Digital media tends to play important role and with the internet on the go following the game has become much easier.Though searching over internet can become a pain in the ass sometime,there are several sites that follows up with the game with a single click.But that's not it,though it gives access to game but are mostly not able to keep up with the original game eg. India has won the game and its still showing 10 runs required of 11 balls. To elimate such jargon and and make people updated with the scores as it happens UCWeb, a leading provider of mobile internet software technology and services has embedded UC Cricket with its most popular application UC Browser.With easy to use UC Cricket provides with plently of features like Live Scores with auto update,Fixture & Result,Latest News and Videos.

So if you are missing out on the live action then UC Browser is the ultimate solution,to download UC Browser visit the link http://www.ucweb.com/ . Witness the game of Cricket like never before with UC Cricket on UC Browser.

Now lets see what our very own Yuvi has to say about UC Browser and UC Cricket. 

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Always overshadowed by his female counterpart in terms of Love and affection,always looked up as stern and a person with less emotional,where alot has been said about the sacfrice a mother makes all his effort goes unnoticed most of the times and yet he never complains.If a mother is the pillar that holds the family strong from the root,father is the roof that protects the family no matter which time of the season it is.From holding his child's little finger and make him/her take his very first step into the world to help him/her face their biggest scare with courage. Like a Pole star that holds the distiction of guiding travellers towards their destination by pointig out the directions,a father is that guiding light that help us to explore every aspect of our journey in life.I feel pity for the likes of Superman and Spiderman because for every child the biggest superhero he/she has in their life is their father and its no different case for me as well.In a world full of decievement,he is the only person who stands tall among all and have always managed to find a solution to all my problems in the most simple way.From scoldings to punishments(yes,I have seen worst of all) to some arguments over a common interest his eyes always does the trick and had been saying it aloud that son that this thing you have done is wrong and you should not repeat it again.A man with a big heart who hardly says no to anyone asking for any help whether it was going away from his comfort zone,he always taught me no matter what you do in your life but try to be good person first rest all are things are secondary.I remember an instance(i guess will do it till my last)it was time I leave my hometown to report for my job in Bangalore,my entire family came to see me off to the station and just when I was about to onboard the train my father hugged me tightly and said,I rightly quote it “This is it,you are a man of your own,this marks the fresh start of your journey .You have always made me proud and I have no doubt you will always do in the future also.Good Luck!.”This words were straight from his heart and are so fresh that it seemed that he spoked it to me just now.

Your father has been there with you, through every crucial moment of your life. Whether it was coming back from work, tired, but still excited to see you walk. He counseled you when you were unsure which college to join. He insisted on picking you up from the party that ended late at night. He made up stories so that you would sleep peacefully while suffering from the flu.They say a Father’s love is like that much needed dash of salt in our food. Without his love, we may not be able to appreciate all the good things we have in our lives.

On this specific occasion of Father's day I would like to express my heartiest THANK YOU to my Papa for all the little things he did for me and give him a tight hug for everything and make a promise that I'll do my very best to be a person you want me to be.And yes its also #WORLDMUSICDAY today and here's a musical tribute to every Father in the world with this evergreen number.

“This father’s day, I am expressing my love towards my dad by participating in the #HugYourDad activity at BlogAdda in association with Vicks.”