We Are Infinite.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Be happy,keep smiling and live better and longer.A person's mood plays a very important role in one's life and a happy person seems to be more successful person than others.But the definition of Happiness differ from person to person,some find happiness in small things and for some nothing suffice to make them happy.

Hostel life happens to be fun (at least in my case),its a journey from adolescence to manhood and seems to teach a lot about life.As everything comes with price tag and it seems no other exception.Leaving one's very own heavenly abode i.e home to start on a life defining journey is one heavy price to pay.Though some lucky ones has the privileged of both staying at home and studying but I am sure they all know what are giving up on ;). Hostel mess food is own of its kind and is famous to very extent that it may be the biggest factor every hosteler commits suicide :D.So one very important thing every hosteler misses the most about home is mom cooked food and my case is no other.Every semester seems like an age and counting down days to get back home seemed a routine affair.Happiness is reaching home and seeing one's family after long semester and finally gulping down home food till burped it up.With mouthful of happiness each and every bite seems to be the first.

Everyone wants being back at home and enjoy home made food and its the happiest moment for them.But in our day to day life we find many small instance which provides handful of happiness.Happiness for me is every other thing that can bring smile on the face of my loved ones be it teasing my little sister and afterwards sharing a chocolate with her or playing with my small 2 year old cousin or speaking to an old friend after long time.

Happiness is anything that brings a smile to your face! It's about adding a dose of refreshment, brightness & cheer to the lives of people who love it and from decades Coca-Cola has done more than enough in successfully bringing smile to thousand of faces and opening up happiness.Be it with family,friends or any other person a lot can be shared over a bottle of coke And this beautiful ad by Coca-Cola speaks up for happiness of its own.
Watch it here
                                or follow the link http://CokeURL.com/96jnc

Being happy is core to life and lays foundation to a successful and prosperous life and a happy person is a motivated In the words of his Holiness Dalai Lama “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions”. So we must craft our action in such a manner that it should not only tends to make us happy but also the world around us.

                           #Openuphappiness #Happyme #Happyworld

Friday, March 20, 2015

We live in a Democracy and our very own Constitution gives us very right to express ourself.A hell lot of things is going on these days from BBC's documentary on Nirbhaya Rape Case,Beef-Ban in Indian States,an elderly Nun Raped to a FB post mentioning UP minister Azam Khan resulting to jail.With the Indian government banning India's Daughter,a lot has been discussed over the future of Internet in India.With large number of sites(including porn sites and whistle-blower Savakku's site :p) getting banned, a lot has been criticized over Indian government's stand regarding the Internet censorship issue and a heavy comparison is drawn with China's policy.
With Internet spreading its wing slowly and steadily in India,social networking and blogging seems to be catching up.A blog seems to provide a ideal platform for one to open up his mind and share his/her views and make it available to the mass.Be it a FB post,a 140 character tweet or a much evaluated blog everyone has its own way or right to express and open up.But to many dismay one have to think hundreds of time before posting something over the World Wide web because one never know how would other take it.Number of cases from the shiv seniks bursting into a girl's house who questioned late Shiva Sena's Supremo Bal Thackerays status over internet to the very recent jailing of a 19 years old student over a post has been rising very rapidly.On one hand where the Government is speaking very highly over its Digital India Initiative its handling of the sensitive issue has a very different story to tell.Internet has become a very important tool and blogging has become a great medium to share views but with current situation there is certainly a hint of fear in a blogger's mind when one thinks to air his/her views on the policies of the government or related stuff as you never know when there will be a backlash.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The race to become a Super Power is on and everyone country wants to join the Elite Super Power Club.India,considered to be the next big thing and is all set to join the elite club very soon along with the likes USA,Russia,China to mention a few.World-class Infrastructure,better roadways,high literacy rate,technological advancement,strong army strength(to mention a few) and number of nukes one posses determines a country's bid to be a superpower.Another factor which plays a important role in it is Internet and the country's Digital presence.Now a days with the evolution of Internet everything is going Digital and to an extent its helping making many thing more accessible and very easily available.Internet user in USA,consider to be the most powerful country in the world is around 83% whereas in India its merely 15%. Though India is steadily progressing at other aspect going Digital is one area to needs to be look down or monitor very closely and respective step should be taken on its behalf.As per 2013 according to World bank nearly about 68% of Indian population lives in Rural part.In places were one hardly have electricity and water to drink,the word Internet and the concept of digitalization seems alienated.India post independence is struggling in these prospect and major concern of all the previous government was to improve other primary needs and Internet was not to be found even in the secondary need list.But in recent times things seems to change a bit,with the new BJP government in power.By proving his mettle as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and providing free Wi-fi and 24*7 electricity to every corner of the state,Sri Narendra Modi sits at the helm of Indian Government now.One major problem every Indian faces is the opacity in different department and schemes of the Indian Government.In this fast running world where even a second counts,a whole day is wasted running from one government office to another in order to do some simple paperwork done.Taking all problems faced by general Indian citizen in mind,our prime minister Narendra Modi came up with a revised concept of E-Governance and Digital India.
Everyone has their own right to information and a well informed citizen lays the foundation of a growth prospective state.E-Governance is likely to be the best tool for it as it seeks to lay the foundation and provide the impetus for long-term growth within the country.E-Governance act as a medium in bringing both the government and citizen close to each other. Through E-Governance, government services are made available to citizens in a convenient, efficient and transparent manner.E-governance in India is core to Indian Government's plan in creating a Digitally enable India and providing information to every Indian at its fingertip.Digital India is an initiative of Government of India to integrate the government departments and the people of India. It aims at ensuring the government services are made available to citizens electronically by reducing paperwork. The initiative also includes plan to connect rural areas with high-speed Internet networks. Digital India has three core components. These include creation of digital infrastructure, delivering services digitally and digital literacy.The scheme is monitored and controlled by the Digital India Advisory group and is chaired by the Ministry of Communications and IT.Along with the government,many private players have also shown their interest in the initiative and are looking forward to be a part of it.Some work is done and with BBNL(a government agency) all set to connect 25000 villages with fast broadband by 2017 ,a lot more work is to be done.Though the initiative is facing many problems on the line of lack of legal framework, absence of privacy and data protection laws,civil liberties abuse possibilities,lack of parliamentary oversight for e-surveillance in India,lack of intelligence related reforms in India,insecure Indian cyberspace,etc the Government stands firm at its initiative and look forward in completing it by 2019.Moreover Indian Government has asked every Indian to be a part of this initiative and provide their valuable suggestions and feedbacks on it.More can be learned about it on http://digitalindiamib.com/ and at https://mygov.in/ .
Technology has a very important say in fulfilling a country's full potential and a country's development is directly proportional to technological development.Be it E-governance or Digital India initiative when consider from a technical prospective  heavily depends on technology any technological limitation may hamper this initiative and the goal may not be full achieved.Intel a very well known name,which is one of the biggest and top technology firm has come forward with helping hands and is fully committed in creating a digitally enabled India and is trying to come up with path breaking innovations and programs like ‘Digital Skills for India’ and ‘Innovate for India' to boost its bid for it.More can be learned about Intel and its other programs at http://www.intel.in/ .

                                #DigitalIndia is #ProgressiveIndia and #BetterIndia
stats and info courtsey:Wikipedia,World bank portal,Indian Govt.portals