We Are Infinite.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

"An Idea Can Change Your Life".No I am not here to promote Idea communications,even though I am Idea user by myself.As Earl Nightengale said "Everything begins with an idea." It was an idea that led to the likes flipkart and Snapdeal to mention few take over Indian markets. Though the Idea of Startups is not new,but it is in recent times it has picked some great deal of pace.From being totally crazy to highly sophisticated,If you have an idea that no one has dare to come up with,then my friend you can be rich soon.With the likes of big MNC investing in startups,it is very soon to become a trend.
Here it is my list of 5 Indian Starups that has been able to create some buzz in the market(Random order):
1. Birds Eye System:Founded in 23 Dec, 2013 by Ravi Khemani, Brijraj Vaghani. The idea behind Birds Eye System's flagship product, Traffline, is to provide real time traffic information on the roads. The information is provided across all medium like web, applications, SMS, email, social media and call center. The company has started off with providing real time road traffic information and will evolve to other types of information that users need on the road.

2. Instamojo:Founded by Aditya Sengupta, Akash Gehani, Harshad Sharma and Sampad Swain.Unlike OLX an Quikr it is a platform to sell digital product like an E-book or Digital music only,one has to do is register and put a link to his digital products.

3. Lost Beat: Founded by Abhay and Akshay Purthi alongwith their friend Ashish Goel,Lost Beat is a musical networking platform that aims at establishing an identity and creating a brand out of musicians—promoting raw and original talent rather than commercial music.It is a community of talented people who have still not been recognized by the general public. It is a virtual space where musicians can connect to fellow musicians, their fans and an ocean of opportunities to make it big in the music.

4. Frilp:It has been creating a lot of buzz with Google announcing it in under their mentor ship program.Founded by Shyam Anandaram along with his 6 other friends,Frilp—short for Friend's Help—is a social platform to discover shopping venues, businesses and services through personalized recommendations from your friends and trusted circle. Inspired by the way information gets passed over in real world, Frilp is built to counter information overload and offer better insight. Frilp identifies the right people in your network who are most likely to help you with the recommendation you are looking for while surfacing relevant recommendations for you to consume instantly.

5.Healtkart:Founded by  Sameer Maheshwari and Prashant Tandon,its one of his kind in India with being an one stop online portal for A to Z medical needs.
So next time if you come up with some idea,think on it agai and again because

                                        "An Idea Can Change Your Life"


Tuesday, September 30, 2014

For me it all started in the summer of 2007,when one of my friend introduce me to a whole new world of social networking,he introduce me to Orkut.From connecting with old friends to making some new ones,sending scraps,to evaluating/rating friends profile and changing themes,it became the next big thing.In a post by Google it said that Orkut helped shape life online before people really knew what ‘social networking’ was”,it started conversations, and forged connections, that had never existed before and indeed it was true.
Launched on 24th January 2004 as Google’s first foray into social networking,it was named after its creator a former Stanford graduate and google employee Orkut Buyukkokten.Though it never happened to create a big impact globally,it was working wonders in country like Brazil and India where in 2008 it became the most visited site.Unfortunately for Orkut it was also that time when another social networking site called Facebook was picking up its pace and as one can see always see it coming, one of the biggest migration in the history of mankind from Orkut to Facebook happened.Once a jam packed place,now a barren land,Google came up with many schemes to revive it but all in vain,by then Facebook has captured the whole world of social networking.In june 2011,Google began its second innings in the world of Social networking and with the aim of dethroning facebook by introducing Google+(plus).
In July,2014  it was announced in a blog post, Google will shut down Orkut in September of 2014 and focus on Google plus,later it was confirmed that it will be on 30th September when Orkut will officially go down.
One can login into Orkut today for the last time and take a dip into nostalgia with their very first experience to social networking with a option to connect their account to google + and export all their photos,scraps...
Here's the official guidelines for the exporting their account.
Lastly,I would say that I enjoyed every bit of time with you whole heartedly and had great fun,but now its time to give you a farewell...

                                        "GOODBYE ORKUT,REST IN PEACE"

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

To be born again,
First you have to die.
To land upon the bosomy earth,
First you have to fly.
How to ever smile again, if
First you don’t cry.
How to win the darling’s love,
Mister, without a sigh.
To be born again;
First you have to die.
To bath upon the shower of joy,
First you have to crawl through the desert so dry.
How to knit the yarn of success, if
First you don’t try.
How to ever lead a life,
Mister, if you always asks, why?
And to be born again
“First you have to die;”

P.S: Inspired by Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses