We Are Infinite.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


From our primary classes we had been regularly taught that India is a secular country,apart from being the largest democracy.With a total of 29 states and 7 UTs,India always followed an one and all concept of “Unity in Diversity” or rather we are made to believe that.The biggest irony is that the whole concept of Unity can now only be found in mere writings largely in textbooks.Over the past 3-2 decades India has witnessed a drastic change in its internal as well as external scenario(which is not my concern here). India which we once consider as one united kingdom,now has been divided into numerous different states who does not share a healthy relation among themselves.The reason at grassroots level for such situation is the inability of the Central Government to pay equal attention to each and every state in India and thus resulting into the formation of more and more regional political parties and militants groups demanding right for their states. Staying in power at the top level and filing their own pockets by favoring the top corporate honchos has become the only motive for the ministers. One of the important factor that leads to favoritism among the states is the uneven division of the lok sabha seats. Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar with almost 1/5th of the total seats in the lower house has become the main center of attraction for all the political parties.A good show in polls in these states and you are in control of the entire country. With this division of seat, states from North East India which contribute small portion to the total seats and militant prone state like Jammu and Kashmir are neglected because it does not contribute much to their political ambitions.One of the other factor that is leading to this division of our country is the incapability of the central government to solve the difference between ststes over a common issue.the on going krishna -godavari water sharing dispute between Karnataka and Tamil Nadu is a perfect example of it. India has always been a country were people from different etnics ,culture,race,colours lived in peace in the past.But are we sticking to it now,I am afraid but the answer would be a Big No. Everyday we come across news that a student from North East being question about his nationality , molested and even beaten to death.May it be Delhi,Mumbai or any other state,We are the citizen of India first then the state and no he/she can take away this right of ours. Another factor that comes into my mind is the enforcement of regional language,I agree by the fact that everyone should take pride in his/ her native language but why to force it on other and student of india I.e the buiding blocks of our nation are highly impacted by it.A student from punjab studying in South India is been told by his professor to learn the regional language if he want to understand clearly in the class, “yeh kaissi baat hui bhai”???. A person's lack of knowedge regarding their own country is one thing that has shocked me in the recent past,with people asking me some insane question like “Guwahati to Bengal mein hain na”??, Tripura being the capital of Guwahati , to mention a few decent one and I would like to pass on by it.
Its not like that we are always busy fighting with each other,people of India irrespective of state,culture from time to time have complemented each other by stanting other may it be the Nirbhaya case or the recent Jadhavpur University case,its that we need to be consistent.Lastly I conclude on a note the these are few among many factor s that are needed to be sorted out because this attitude of ours once led to annexation of our country in the hands of a foriegner and thus 200 years of darkness. So we should always take our stand and a stick to a single motto-

                               “ UNITED WE STAND ,DIVIDED WE FALL”

Friday, May 9, 2014

Aah!!! its hardly three weeks for my final exams and no matter what comes next I will be an engineer after that for sure.reading was not my cup of tea though I read Chetan Bhagat,Ravindra Singh and few others long back.It was until I join engineering and with not much to do,i took up reading seriously and thus opening myself to a world of fiction,fantasy,realism and all other things.It was in june 2012 when one of my friend told me about a book called Chankaya's Chant,busy with the shiva trilogy it dint created much impact on me.Over with the secrets of the Nagas,i asked the same friend of mine if he has some good novel with him and he gave me the Chanakya's Chant and thus beginning of an epic journey with the Indian Dan Brown.Before I started with the book I did my part of research on the author Ashwin Sanghi. He graduated with a BA (Economics) from St. Xavier’s College and earned an MBA from the Yale School of Management.He was already the author of an Indian best selling book The Rozabal Line,which he wrote in 2007 under his pseudonym Shawn Haigins. But what excited me the most about him was his area of writing which was largely based on historical, theological and mythological themes and being a history buff by myself I could not asked for more.The book deals with the life of Chankya and Gangasagar Mishra,haunted by their past ,the book unfold their epic journey and how they manage to become a king-maker.The book preys on greed, venality and sexual deviance that brings out the best of both the men. The book was quick to have an impact on me and I went looking for his other book and thankfully I managed to find his latest released of the every year 2012 itself The Krishna Key. It is an anthropological thriller and his third novel after The Rozabal Line(the last of his novel that I read) and Chankya's Chant.The book follows a history professor that has to prove his innocence against a murder charge and solving the prolonging puzzle of the Krishna Key.Alongside a present day story the book portrayed Krishna in a "perfectly grey character" along with his ruling policies and treasures,the book also deals with the lost city of Dwarka,Of Taj Mahal being a Shiva temple.The book was again an Indian National best seller and finding its comparison with Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol.Being a not so famous author in 2012,I was not able to find his first book The Rozabal Line with any of my friend and I could not go for the hard copy all by myself,as I am always sort of cash. Finally after some searching on Mr.Google,who has the answer for everything I managed to find an Epub version of it and what's next,I was back to business again.A thriller fiction it deals with the subject of Jesus having survived the crucifixion and having settled down in India and how in a strife-torn Kashmir, a tomb called Rozabal holds the key to a riddle that arises in Jerusalem and gets answered at Vaishno Devi.It also spoke about an ultra-elite group of twelve commandos, similar to the Deccan Mujahideen,their formation and sole purpose.The book drew lots of similarties from Da Vinci's Code and was one hell of a page turner that moved with some serious pace and takes you across every continent.
In 2013, Ashwin Sanghi and James Patterson announced that they will be co-writing an India-based thriller within Patterson's "Private" series.The novel is on the verge of completion and is slated for a release on 21 July 2014.With just three novels old and the fourth one on the line,Ashwin Sanghi has managed to become one of my favorite writers. If stuffs from Dan Brown and similar interests you then trust me with the books like The Rozabal Line and The Krishna key this Dan brown from India will not disappoint you,rather will blow you out of your mind. So if you are looking for some interesting book to read this summer,your search ends here.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

After a busy and tedious one and half month and so.... I am back to blogging again.
The much debated and most talked event in India at this present moment i.e. the 16th Lok Sabha elections are on.The largest democracy in the world is all geared up to elect its new government.The elections are held in 9 phases all over India and the battle of ballots commenced on 7th of April and will end on 12th of May.The dates on which elections were and will be held are 7th,9th,10th,12th,17th,24th,30th of April and 7th,12th of May 2014.The total number of voters registered in this elections are 81.4 crores out of which about 9 crores are new voters.The total number of constituencies all over India is 543. .
For the first time in the history of India the elections are fought on US presidential style with the political debates and prime ministrial nominees and all.While the BJP had named their prime ministerial candidate as Narendra Modi but on the other side the Congress refrained from naming their prince Rahul Gandhi as their prime ministerial candidate.Despite of no official confirmation from the congress the media has already declared it as the RAGA vs NAMO battle.
At the moment the most significant question is wheter the present 10 year old Manmohan Singh cum Sonia gandhi led Congress government which is drowned in corruption,price rise and scams would be able to retain power or whether the rejunaveted BJP under the Modi wave can roll the dice in its favour.Come Elections and every one is ready with their opinion polls from your parents to your uncle aunties,friends,arstrologers and on the big scale the media every one has the secret to that magic 272 no.If we go by the opinion polls it seems BJP is the clear favourite to sweep the elections while the Congress without its allies will be down to mere double digits.
As there is a twist to every hit stories,this one is no exceptions.One man who can ruin BJP chances of getting a clear majority is the Aam Aadmi Party supremo and ex Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal,fondly called AK by his followers.Hence for BJP to form government they have to virtually sweep the northern and western part of India as they have little presence at the southern and eastern part of the country . No this is no the end of the story another major problem the BJP will face to form government, is to find allies who are willing to support a NAMO led government if the BJP themselves do not get the clear majority since Narendra Modi is hugely criticised by other parties for his role on the 2002 Gujarat riots.And to add to the misery of both the congress and the bjp is the virtual third front i.e. the cluster of the regional parties like DMK,AIDMK,SP,RJD,NCP,JDU,BSP,TMC,etc. that will have an impact on the 2014 Lok Sabha elections .
Also this time the fate of parties will depend upon the politically sane young voters of India as there are about nine crores new voters registerd for this years Lok Sabha elections.
Will it be ABKI BAAR MODI SARKAR or the CONGRESS KA HAATH will represent its bid for the 3rd consecutive term and with much going around the RISE OF A DARK KNIGHT can be taken into account.The results will be out on 16th of May and till then “THE BILLION VOTERS” will have to wait to see which party comes to power.