We Are Infinite.

Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts

Friday, February 17, 2017

8.30 AM, Sunday,Akash's House
Phone Ringing…
After struggling to find the phone Akash was finally able to catch hold of it.
Akash(sleepy  tone): Hellooo…
Bhoomi: Hello Akash, It's Bhoomi here… Sorry to disturb you early on a Sunday morning.
Akash(now sitting on his bed ): No problem.. Good morning to you
Bhoomi: Good Morning…Vidya asked me to remind you that we have to go to office today as there are few new urgent requirements.
Akash: We? She asked me to work on it she never mentioned of you.
Bhoomi: At what time you will be in office?
Akash: 11.30.. will that be fine?
Bhoomi: 11.30???
Akash: Ok will try to reach by 10.30.
Bhoomi: No, I mean 11.30 will be too early…Its my Sunday too… will 1:30 be fine with you?
Akash: 1:30 done
Bhoomi: Cool..Chalo see you in office bye…
Akash: B-bye…
Akash and Bhoomi are working in the same  project for little over a year but it was last few months only they were working closely with each other over some new assignment.