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Showing posts with label Marathon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marathon. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2016

To start it of f  lets go back in time some 10 days back…

Another Sunday and just like the rest in the past with the scorching sun outside and nothing to do inside I was just lazing on the bed(my hobby :D) refreshing the same old  page again again. And then I don’t know why suddenly something got into my head and I quickly sat up and started searching for upcoming marathon’s in Bangalore(I act like a weirdo sometime :D).There were few lined up for the following  Sunday i.e 1st of May and with one being organised by Reebok Running Squad just 800 mtrs away from my place.I was in full swing and registered for the event@6k category at that very moment. It was only in the evening I had a second thought on it and  for me waking up on Sunday at 5  in the morning was an uphill task.I knew I needed some partner in crime or else getting caught was most likely,so I asked my friend Akash to join me and after an hour of luring him he finally agreed. The stage was almost set and all we were waiting was for the confirmation mail.

The week passed by and on Friday evening I got a mail and a message on my phone notifyng the timings,the run track  and the map.After that I checked with Akash for the mail and at what time he will be coming to my place on Saturday as we need to head out early in the morning on sunday.To my bad he had some important work lined up for Sunday morning and it was not possible for him to make it on Sunday for the run.Satuday evening I went to my cousin’s place for dinner and with akash pulling off I needed someone to give me company so I asked him whether he would like to join and to it he said Yes.Here I was all set for  the  Run next morning.
The Track

With multiple alarms on I managed to woke up at 5.10 in the morning ,I immediately called up my brother to check whether he is up or not and informed him that I will be there in next 15 mins or so.I got freshened up and with my running shoe on I stepped out. To  my surprise my Sister-in-law was  also ready to join us when I reach my  cousin’s place and together  we headed to wards the venue. 

We reached the place at around 5.50 and we collected our respective marathon bib from the registration desk.

The announcer took us through the rules and gave us some useful information and directions.We started with our  before the race warm up and were following the fitness trainer who had occupied the center.After the warm up we were introduce to Kiran kanojia dubbed as the  “Lady Blade runner of India” and it was very inspiring as she shared her motivating story with us and her love for run.Finally we had a much long awaited groupie(that’s basic neccisity) before the run.
The People

Let it run,the marathon was divided into two legs 10k and 6k,we registered for the 6k and started minutes later of the 10k.It started all well but after 1.5 miles run came the litmus test and I realised what it takes to run a marathon.I contuined  with the run with constant backing from fellow runners from all age group and finally completed the target.Post run we had cool down excerise(I don’t know what it is called :P) and were given a pack a Energy drink(ORS :D),Parle-G(truly India’s very own) and banana.
The Run

We headed back home without some calories and with a smiling face.It was one great experince and will try to have a date with it again in the future.