This article is not about my
parents,your or anyone else parents,its that I could not come out
with a good and interesting title so this funny one struck.Few days
back I was going through an article in THE TIMES OF INDIA ,it was
about teen migrating to newer social networking sites like
twitter,instagram from facebook and they called it THE LEVIS EFFECT.
The title was suprisingly catching and Levis???? isnt it a fashion
brand and how its connected to social networking migration.The
article was based on the reports that in 2013 twitter took over
facebook as the largest social networking site and how teens mostly
ageing between 18-19 years are massly attracted towards other sites.
The report says that in 2012 the average age of the people login to
facebook was 18 but in 2013 it jumped shockinlgy to 31.Its that now a
days most parents are taking the help of facebook to monitor over
their lads and thus this increase in number is forcing their children
to opt. for other alternative.Most of the analyst compare this
situation to what exactly happened with jeans. During the 80's when
jeans were introduced into market it became a craze, a hit among the
teens,wearing a levis jeans was cool and was a style statement in
itself.Slowly as years rolled wearing jeans were not cool
anymore.Parents and their children all started using it,jeans which
were once exclusive to the boys and girls were now used by their
parents too.Thus to come up with something unique teens started
looking for alternative like the shorts,cargos etc.Now the same thing
is happening again but in a digitised manner.
Though badly framed but I
guess it wont stop you in sharing it...........
For more on Levis Effect
For more on Levis Effect